About the Author
Julia Rose is the historic house manager at Marietta Historic House Museum in Prince George’s County. Most recently, Dr. Rose was the director/curator of Homewood Museum at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Rose was the director at West Baton Rouge Museum, an AAM accredited regional history museum. Her primary research interests focus on interpreting difficult histories and documenting historical enslaved plantation communities for museum interpretations. Currently, Dr. Rose serves a board member for the Hammond Harwood House and the editorial board for the Journal for Museum Education. She received a Ph.D. from Louisiana State University, a Master of Arts in Teaching in Museum Education from the George Washington University, and a B.A in Fine Art and Education from State University of New York at Albany. She serves as a peer reviewer for the American Alliance of Museums. She has held positions at the Washington D.C Historical Society (formerly the Columbia Historical Society), East Tennessee Historical Society, and Magnolia Mound Plantation. Rose was also an assistant professor teaching museum studies at Southern University of New Orleans and Louisiana State University. Her recent book, Interpreting Difficult History at Museums and Historic Sites (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), addresses museum learning and historical oppression.